Oh summer, you seem so far away that I can hardly remember what your warm embrace feels like! Well I am reminded as I write this blog from Kelsey's session in August. It was sweltering hot that day but Kelsey certainly did not let that stop her! We were hoping to do more shots at PPG but unfortunately we got the boot due to a private event that was being held there.

We did manage to sneak a couple shots in while the security guard was distracted but it was so windy we could hardly keep the balloons from flying away! Well we kept pushing on and had the best time despite the heat!

Gorgeous, girl work it!!!!

Somehow I always manage to get my subjects to pose in bushes or random places. We like to keep the passerby's entertained! Thank you Kelsey for agreeing to my (sometimes odd) ideas!

I have so enjoyed working with Kelsey and her mom! Crossing paths with people like this is my dream. I love getting to know people and see where life takes them! Kelsey is going to kick butt no matter where she goes after high school. I am just happy to have known her during this time and I wish her all the best in the future!